LRE Water
Project Location Texas City, TX      |     Services Water Resource Strategies

Brazos Basin WAM & Water Rights

People Jordan Furnans

Staff at LRE Water have been performing water availability studies in the Brazos Basin since 2009.  LRE Water staff recently helped RR417, LLC receive from TCEQ water right permit 14361, granting permissions to use water for commercial, recreational, and agricultural purposes in Bandera County, and we helped the City of Goldthwaite develop a permit amendment application to change a place of diversion for one of the city’s water rights, to consolidate water rights, and clarify water right terms.

Additional services have included water rights analysis, technical support for regional water planning, participation in BRA systems-operation permit hearings by providing expert testimony during the Brazos Watermaster hearing, aiding GCWA in assessing water availability and water supply options, and Brazos WAM operations and permit modeling.