LRE Water
Project Location Denver, CO      |     Services Environmental Management, Water Innovation & Technology

Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority Watershed

People Carolyn Nobel, , Jessica DiToro, Katy Kaproth-Gerecht, Erin Stewart, Tucker Fullmer

Since 2010, LRE Water has served as CCBWQA’s Watershed Consultant.  In this role, we work with the Board, Technical Advisory Committee, watershed management agencies and other stakeholder to protect the beneficial uses of Cherry Creek Reservoir.  Recent efforts involved assisting the management team to develop a strategic plan that maps out the CCBWQA mission, vision, goals, objectives and associated strategies, metrics and measures that CCBWQA is employing to achieve its goals. 

In addition, LRE Water developed and manages the CCBWQA water quality data portal—a repository for 20+ years of basin water quality data that stakeholders can access through a variety of compelling and interactive “story boards” that illustrate a specific aspect of watershed health in the basin.  LRE Water integrates these storyboards and other CCBWQA accomplishments and activities into web-based Annual Reports that are used to communicate to stakeholders ranging from the public to the water quality control commission.   

Other watershed technical services provided to CCBWQA include: water quality standard development, evaluation of options to control pollutants, development of technical guidance, and participation in rulemaking hearings.

Project Date: March 1, 2021